Emma Watson's Speech, UN | Women
Emma Watson is my favourite actress in the entire world. I have admired her work greatly and I follow her career to have knowledge on a new movie or event. As it happens, she attended an event for UN Women, to deliver her #HeForShe campaign speech. She invited people (men especially) to take note of what she was saying. Watson's speech was about feminism and the actual meaning of the word. She gave her view on feminism and discussed the issues of gender inequality. I noticed the way she captivated her audience with her tone of voice; it changed throughout the speech. She wasn't monotone, she had an emotional part to her voice when saying something emotional and a lighter tone when saying something humorous. The speech she delivered, from my perspective was: gripping, powerful and awe-inspiring. I am in no way being biased towards my favourite actress, I genuinely believe that her speech was an impeccable example of how a speech (as serious as this) should be. Emma provided facts and statistics and made her audience aware of the shocking stats of sexism. Some of it was absurd which coerced men to step forward and make a change.
I would like to take this opportunity to invite men forward to show their support by tweeting Emma Watson (@EmWatson) a picture of yourself holding a sign with the hashtag #HeforShe. Please show your support for her campaign. Her powerfully breathtaking speech is below, watch and be inspired:
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