Cinderella (2015)
Synopsis: After her father unexpectedly dies, young Ella (Lily James) finds herself at the mercy of her cruel stepmother (Cate Blanchett) and stepsisters, who reduce her to scullery maid. Despite her circumstances, she refuses to despair. An invitation to a palace ball gives Ella hope that she might reunite with the dashing stranger (Richard Madden) she met in the woods, but her stepmother prevents her from going. Help arrives in the form of a kindly beggar woman who has a magic touch for ordinary things.
So here we are - in the year 2015 - and we've had create Disney princess films in the current century. For example, Tangled involves an original Princess called Rapunzel, but the story and concept is much better than the original. I was expecting something similar with this movie. But unfortunately, I was disappointed for 105 minutes. No clever twist, nothing any different. It actually pisses me off as an aspiring writer. Our teachers keep telling us to avoid cliches otherwise nothing we produce will ever get published or made into a film. But this film still ended up making money, simply being a remake of the tedious, old Princess Story first published in 1697.
The only reason this film caught my eye was because I missed Rob Stark on Game of Thrones and well, he was the prince in this movie. There was another person who was from Game of Thrones who met his sticky end too. But oh well, 105 minutes gone and 0 revision done. Because of this shit movie, I'm failing my exams. The only advantage it had was Helena Bonham Carter, but that is only one slight advantage.
So here we are - in the year 2015 - and we've had create Disney princess films in the current century. For example, Tangled involves an original Princess called Rapunzel, but the story and concept is much better than the original. I was expecting something similar with this movie. But unfortunately, I was disappointed for 105 minutes. No clever twist, nothing any different. It actually pisses me off as an aspiring writer. Our teachers keep telling us to avoid cliches otherwise nothing we produce will ever get published or made into a film. But this film still ended up making money, simply being a remake of the tedious, old Princess Story first published in 1697.
The only reason this film caught my eye was because I missed Rob Stark on Game of Thrones and well, he was the prince in this movie. There was another person who was from Game of Thrones who met his sticky end too. But oh well, 105 minutes gone and 0 revision done. Because of this shit movie, I'm failing my exams. The only advantage it had was Helena Bonham Carter, but that is only one slight advantage.
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