Well, hello there. It's been a while. Months actually. A year perhaps? All I know is that we're nearing the end of 2017 and I haven't done a single 2017 post. I could have tried to keep this blog active, but it's basically like keeping a diary, I just can't do it. I have been reviewing shows I've watched and enjoyed. I'm more of a writer of fiction than I am of reality, because spoiler alert, reality is uneventful. Even the 3 words you read after I wrote "spoiler alert" was uneventful and anti-climactic, wasn't it? I prefer fiction because it is simply my way of escaping reality, why on Earth would I want to document my life on the internet, it's too boring for anyone to notice. Besides, who knows how long the internet would last, or computers and electronics for anyone to retrieve it in 100 years. People think that the future will continue to escalate beyond what we thought humans were capable of, but perhaps like a plot twist, we will begin to move backwards. The trump era certainly feels that way. We're so used to progressing, we're not used to progressing by moving backwards. One day, the scale of what we've built will catch-up to us, and might very well end all our lives. The homo sapiens would become extinct because we built a world too large for us. The industrial revolution had us building machinery where its scale would exceed the size of a human, our bodies would adjust to the machine, yet we are meant to control it. How do we control something twice our size? Humans are so intelligent that they might just be killed off by their own intelligence. All I'm saying is that maybe we should stop thinking things will continue to progress in the future, that maybe computers and the internet will stop working, a natural something could prevent it from working. Would we be able to adjust back into the world of no phones and selfies? Lots of people's work that depends heavily on the internet will be erased. In that time, will this very blog entry matter or be kept? It's interesting when you play the devil's advocate and decide things are moving backwards as we move forward.
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