Hollow Feelings

Day by day, I feel like I'm being drained. It feels like all the blood leaves my body in large volumes. Someone constantly opens up the tops of my mind. They read my thoughts and extract my delicious secrets. The coldness consumes me every day. I live in an eternal winter. As the winter continues, I get drained more. Until, finally I am an empty, hollow, little thing. My secrets poured, my virtues stolen. I am left with nothing but my fatal plight. I know what happens next...
They hold me, squeeze me and hurt me. Beads of my tears and sweat roll down my cheeks as I am no longer in the winter, but lying in the scorching sun. They have thrown me away like I'm a piece of litter. I am no litter. My name is Coca Cola. I'm only bottle. They might not think I have feelings, but I do. I am hurt. A hurt Coca Cola bottle.


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