
Plot Summary: In the midst of veteran con man Nicky's latest scheme, a woman from his past - now an accomplished femme fatale - shows up and throws his plans for a loop.

I first heard about this movie when watching Will Smith and Margot Robbie guest starring on Top gear, and thank God I tuned in, otherwise I would never have considered watching this movie.

It was not a soppy romance story, it was kind of badass. What am I saying? It was badass. I love conning movies such as this, but not only are people being conned out of their most prized possessions and money, but Nicky (Will Smith) cons his love for Jess (Margot Robbie) in order to get his share of money. I genuinely believed he had a thing for her in the beginning, but when they stopped the car and he said "You did well," my heart stopped. The least of expectations and I should have seen it coming. I was a regular watcher of "the real hustle" which was one of my favourite shows back in the day, this reminded me of it so much.

My favourite scene was at the American football game, where Nicky and the other guy kept betting against each other. The other guy always won the bets, and I figured Nicky kept saying "double or nothing" because he couldn't stand the fact that a man focuses more than he does. Yet it was Nicky with the sharpest and shrewdest focus right from the off of the game. Somehow by the end of that bet, he bagged over $2 million. Jesus Christ, he's good.

I also was not expecting Nicky to have a white father, who shoots Nicky on his say-so, in order to save Jess. Yet Jess was playing him so that she could steal her spanish "boyfriend's" $200,000 watch. And I smiled when she carried Nicky to the hospital with the watch safely around her wrist.

IMDB: 6.6

I do apologise for this is a rather shit review as always, but I can't be bothered to finish it. I'd recommend this to a friend.


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