
Synopsis: Anna, a fearless optimist, sets off on an epic journey - teaming up with rugged mountain man Kristoff and his loyal reindeer Sven - to find her sister Elsa, whose icy powers have trapped the kingdom of Arendelle in eternal winter. Encountering Everest-like conditions, mystical trolls and a hilarious snowman named Olaf, Anna and Kristoff battle the elements in a race to save the kingdom. From the outside Anna's sister, Elsa looks poised, regal and reserved, but in reality, she lives in fear as she wrestles with a mighty secret-she was born with the power to create ice and snow. It's a beautiful ability, but also extremely dangerous. Haunted by the moment her magic nearly killed her younger sister Anna, Elsa has isolated herself, spending every waking minute trying to suppress her growing powers. Her mounting emotions trigger the magic, accidentally setting off an eternal winter that she can't stop. She fears she's becoming a monster and that no one, not even her sister, can help her.

Frozen is an Oscar-winning film for best animated feature film of the year and best original song and rightly so. I watched this film a long time ago but I'm only just writing a review for it which is ludicrous. I absolutely ADORE this film. The originality of it is extraordinary and it makes me frustrated with myself for not coming up with this story line so that I could claim it as my own and make millions across the globe. But I could never come up with such an inspirational plot line as it requires so much thought and I don't have that kind of intelligence.

The character of Elsa seems to be every little girl's favourite character for some reason. Perhaps it is because of her beautiful dress, the dress that makes my face look like absolute s**t. Perhaps it is because she is the Queen of Arendelle though most girls prefer to be a princess. Or maybe it is because of her radiantly performed original song of "let it go." All of these qualities coerced me to like Elsa too, but she is not my favourite. What I also love about Elsa however, is the way she cares for her sister in spite of her freezing Anna's heart. It was of course accidental and was out of her control at that time when she didn't know how to suppress her magical powers. But what I love mostly about Elsa is when she sang 'let it go' and the animation and action they put with that song. It was magical.

Anna is an awe-inspiring character and I love her more than I do Elsa. This is because she sacrificed herself to save her sister, Elsa even though Elsa had frozen her heart. That is what I call sisterly love! And the fact she went after Elsa to bring home her sister. The only thing I disapprove of Anna is the fact that she GOT ENGAGED TO SOMEONE SHE JUST MET THAT DAY! Though, in her defense, he was rather dreamy and I would've said yes because never again would I get a man like that. In fact, never would he even have noticed me even if I was a princess, which I'm not and anyway, this is about Anna not me.

I really do love the character of Kristoff and his reindeer, Sven. They were both willing to go on this crazy journey with Anna to find Elsa. And of course Kristoff didn't go on this journey just for a new sledge, he went because he wanted to make sure Anna was safe and partly because he needed his ice business back but in my head, it was all because he loved Anna. He was certainly the man I would have said yes to, if he popped the question which of course he wouldn't have but if he had and again, this is about Kristoff and Anna, not me.

Olaf, now this snowman is my favourite snowman. He also happens to be my favourite character and I would gladly go up to him a give him a warm hug. He is hilarious and just adorable. I love his voice and when he sang "in summer" it was so funny. I remember this lyric in particular which made me laugh, "Winter's a good time to stay in and cuddle, but put me in summer and I'll be a -[sees a puddle] - happy snowman!" And my favourite Olaf quote was this "Some people are worth melting for" which in a way sounds a bit cliche but when Olaf said it, it sounded so deep, meaningful and true. This was the cutest ornament for Christmas I'd ever seen in my life...

I would recommend this movie to anyone as I always do in my other reviews. It seems like it's only suitable for children but it really isn't. Over the past year or so, it has been so evident that Frozen is a movie for all.

IMDB: 7.6

Watch the trailer to Frozen below:


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