Gone Girl

Plot Summary: On the occasion of his fifth wedding anniversary, Nick Dunne reports that his wife Amy, has gone missing. Under pressure from the police and a growing media frenzy, Nick's portrait of a blissful union begins to crumble. Soon his lies, deceits and strange behaviour have everyone asking the same dark question: Did Nick Dunne murder his wife?

Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck) gives an excellent portrayal of both the good and bad guy. The expectations for him to murder his wife are as high as how we expect him to sincerely miss his wife. Therefore Gone Girl knows how to create unpredictable plot twists. There are a lot of things you don't expect to happen in this film. I didn't expect Nick to have an affair. Yes, his face might not have been bothered on the disappearance of his wife, but my interpretation of his indifference is that he was composing himself for his wife's sake. The affair put him as number one on the suspect list.

Then we discovered that Amy was in fact alive and it seemed she was neither kidnapped nor hurt in any way shape or form. However, she inflicted harm upon herself and I remember thinking how she is the epitome of delusion. There were gruesome elements too and not one of those gruesome scenes was I able to resist looking away. Yet it was these scenes that gripped our eyes to the screen.

The ending of this particular film was not one I can look back upon with undiluted pleasure. It was utterly unjust for such a compelling film to end in such a negative light. Nonetheless, the concept behind this film is phenomenal and its devious plot twists had me on the edge of my seat.

IMDB: 8.2
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